Dell from St Louis, IdPut me down as someone who has listened closely to this song and agrees that the person whooping it up in the middle of the song (1) doesn't sound like Donovan and yes, now that you mention it, (2) does sound like Paul McCartney.George from Vancouver, CanadaIt appears as if Georgie Fame sang this & made a hit of it before Donovan, on UK Blues chart.

Saffron - aphrodisiac, Electrical banana - vibrator, Fourteen - fourteen year old girls, mellow yellow - the color of saffron and bananas, and him being mellow maybe. Dina from CaliforniaI just found out that saffron is an aphrodisiac, then it dawned on me that this song is more about sex than drugs.However, I don't remember I've had a chance to hear it in 2000's, obviously due to modern political correctness. Przgzr from Zagreb, HrI can confirm Lyz' and Steve's comments, this version has not only been played on concerts but one of these concerts has been recorded and I have heard this version several times on the radio.Blacktaff from Cardiff Uk Maybe, while the Rolling Stones were blatantly singing about Valium as being " mothers little yellow helpers " Donovan was just being more mellow on the same subject.Fahkir from RealitySo, none of these comments or questions (questionable), mention who the F is Saffron? Fix that!.Donovan got his first exposure at Alexis korner's blues nights in Highgate, London and often stayed with the family. John W from LondonSaffron was the daughter of British blues musician Alexis Korner Saffron "Sappho" Gillet Korner.AnonymousDina thats right did not know 14 its sounded so unclear.The lyric is consistent in that the first verse he's mad about a girl named Saffron and the second verse he's mad about a girl named Fontaine. When you were mad about someone in the sixties, it meant madly in love or had a crush on them. Fontaine is of French origin and can be a boy or girl's name. Heros Journey from Medford OregonThe lyric is "I'm just mad about Fontaine".Saffron and Fontaine were drag queens at the Green Apple. Janeasinner from FloridaDuring the late 60s early 70s, in Boston, MA, where I grew grew up, this song was about being gay.Luke Wrobrew from ChicagoMellow yellow = a yellow jacket benzodiazepine pill?.You can clearly hear it in his live performance at Netgk from MayberryThe correct lyric is Fourteen, NOT "Fontaine".
#Mellow yellow meaning crack#
peace endurance joy (so on) get short circuited by alcohol, and crack cocaine and/or so Mellow Yellow is not bad.

A man, instead of working on the marriage, does the cheat bit. Charles Tyler from OkThis "narcotics" deal is a poor excuses for the real thing.